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Licensing Round 2020
Blocs en compétition pour le Licensing Round
Name of the block | surface | Available seismic data | |
1 | Offshore Ultra Profond Nord 1 (OUP Nord 1) | 2050 km² | Jaan 2019: 1,859 km² |
2 | Offshore Ultra Profond Nord 2 (OUP Nord 2) | 3751 km² | NWAAM 2017 2D seismic |
3 | Offshore Ultra Profond Nord 3 (OUP Nord 3) | 6565 km² | NWAAM 2017 2D seismic |
4 | Offshore Ultra Profond Nord 4 (OUP Nord 4) | 7827 km² | Jaan 2019: 1591 km² |
5 | Offshore Ultra Profond Nord 5 (OUP Nord 5) | 7836 km² | Jaan 2019: 1800 km² |
6 | Offshore Ultra Profond Nord 6 (OUP Nord 6) | 7808 km² | Jaan 2019: 1800 km² |
7 | Senegal Offshore Sud (SOS) | 7921 km² | Jaan 2019: 3500 km² |
8 | Senegal Offshore Sud Profond (SOSP) | 7653 km² | Dolphin: 3711 km² Jaan 2019: 750 km² |
9 | Offshore Ultra Profond Sud -1 (OUP Sud -1) | 7 623 km² | Jaan 2019: 1500 km² |
10 | Offshore Ultra Profond Sud -2 (OUP Sud -2) | 7 647 km² | |
11 | Saint Louis offshore profond 2 (SLOP 2) | 3 039 km² | Legacy 2D seismic |
12 | Cayar offshore profond 2 (COP 2) | 1 627 km² | Legacy 2D seismic |
Companies which are interest to participate in the Bid Round, must send a letter of interest to the Minister of Petroleum and Energies and a copy to PETROSEN to express their interests. The Promotion Committee will record their interests on a register book open for the 2020 Senegal Licensing Round. The Bid Package is sold at the no refundable rate of US$15,000 per package. The Bid Package will include:
- No Disclosure Agreement to be signed by PETROSEN and the oil company,
- List of available seismic data in each block and the access conditions,
- List of existing reports and well reports and the access conditions,
- All the legal framework in connection with the bid round are stated below:
- the Petroleum Code – Law 2019-03
- Decree of Application of the law
- Petroleum Operations Regulation
- Model of Production Sharing Contract
- Model of the Joint Operating Agreement
- Tax regulation.
The Bid Package will be available after the closing data of the Roadshow, February 29th, 2020. Only companies that have already bought the Bid Package are invited to data room by PETROSEN, in Senegal.
Companies, which justifies the technical and financial capabilities, can apply for more than one block, and each application is to consist of one Submission and should contain the following information, which are a summary of the key terms of the Decree of Application and the Model of PSC:
1.Name of the Company or Group of Companies: The full name of the company or group of companies applying for a Exploration and production license,
2.Juridical Form of the company or group of companies: the nature of its business and the place of incorporation,
3.Update certificate of incorporation,
4.Addresses: Address of the main Office and the main places of business
5.Update Statute of the company:
6.Name of managing Directors: Name and qualification of the members of the board, managing directors. Authorized agents and legal documents proving their ability to engage the company
7.Board of directors list and informations duly signed,
8.Annual financial statement: evidence of the financial and technical qualification of the company or group of companies with copies of the audited accounts of each company for the last three (3) financial years
.9 Technical justifications: Evidence of previous or existing oil and gas activity
10.List of shareholders: list of the 10 main shareholders or shareholders have totalized more than 50% of the capital,
11.General and special Auditors: Names and addresses of the auditors
12. 12. Name of the block:
• Surface: …….. km²
• coordinates
Duration of the Exploration license
- 1st period of a maximum duration of 4 years, with a minimum work programme and financial commitments
- 2nd period of a maximum duration of 3 years, with a minimum work programme and financial commitments
- 3rd period of a maximum duration of 3 years, with a minimum work programme and financial commitments
Surface rental:
- 1st period: an annual fee of US$30 per square Kilometre per year
- 2nd period: an annual fee of US$50 per square Kilometre per year
- 3rd period: an annual fee of US$75 per square Kilometre per year
Percentages of the exploration permit area to be relinquished at the end of the 1st and 2nd
Training fees: An annual provision for training of the Senegalese agent. There will be a provision during the Exploration phase and a provision during the Exploitation phase
Promotion fees: An annual provision to support PETROSEN during the Exploration phase.
Duration of the Exploitation license: The duration of a Exploitation License is 25 years. It can be renewal for a period of 10 years.
Cost recovery: The cost recovery is defined based on the geographical location of the block.
- Shallow offshore: 60%
- Deep offshore: 65%
- Ultra-deep offshore: 70%
- Onshore: 55%
Hydrocarbons | Location | Royalties |
Oil | Onshore | 10% |
Shallow offshore | 9% | |
Deep offshore | 8% | |
Ultra-deep offshore | 7% | |
Gas | 6% |
Profit sharing: The share of the State cannot be less 40%. The Profit Sharing is determined by the R Factor as:
R Factor | State Share | Contractor Share |
R ≤ 1 | 40% | 60% |
1 ≤ R ≤ 2 | 45% | 55% |
2 ≤ R ≤ 3 | 55% | 45% |
R ≥ 3 | 60% | 40% |
State participation (PETROSEN): The State participation is through PETROSEN, the National Oil Company of Senegal. It is a carried interest of 10% during the Exploration Phase and a working interest of up to 30% after a commercial discovery PETROSEN. The 10% carried will be during the Exploration and the Exploitation phases.
Bonus: There will be a Signature bonus and a Production bonus
Income Tax: The income is defined through the Tax Regulation at the date of the signing of the PSC. Today it is 30%
Exportation tax: A levy of 1% is applied on the value of the exportation production
IT Equipment: Company will provide IT support to the Ministries and PETROSEN
Social responsibilities: Company provides social funds for the neighboring population of the area of operations.
Completed applications should be submitted in three (03) copies. Submissions must be in duly sealed envelopes and delivered, with two copies to the Ministry of Petroleum and Energies and one copy to PETROSEN.
The Submission has to be delivered to the Ministry and PETROSEN before the 17:00 Hrs, Friday 31 of July 2020.
Ministry of Petroleum and Energies address: Ministry of Petroleum and Energies, Building Administratif President Mamadou Dia – 4e Etage – BP 4021 Dakar Senegal
PETROSEN address: PETROSEN, Route du Service Géographique, Hann, BP 2076 Dakar – Senegal

Blocs en promotion

Saint louis offshore profond, un fort potentiel en hydrocarbures:
SLOP 1 d`une superficie de 3628 km2 est limite au nord par GTA. SLOP 2 avec 3693 km2 est limite au sud par Yaakar-Teranga.

Données bathymétriques multifaisceaux et du fond marin (MBSS)
Environ 63 000 km2 de MBSS au large du Sénégal 260 sites ont fait l‘objet d‘un échantillonnage sur la base : 709 Anomalies identifiées au niveau du fond marin ; 78 Anomalies identifiées au niveau de la colonne d’eau

Sénégal Offshore profond et ultra profond
Données sismiques 2D multiclients disponibles: 4 073 kilomètres carrés de données sismiques 2D du projet NWAAM de 2011/2012 10 306 kilomètres carrés de données sismiques broadband 2D du projet NWAAM 2017 Données sismiques multiclients braodband 3D disponibles : Jann : 30 000 km2 dont 6 238 km2 au Sénégal sur SOSS et SOSP 4 614 km² au niveau des blocs OUP-Sud1 et OUP-Sud2 5 191 km2 au niveau des blocs OUP-Nord4, OUP-Nord-5 et OUP-Nord6 2 040 km2 couvrant le bloc OUP-Nord1